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Top 6 Differences Between Off-Grid and On-Grid Solar System

“Renewable energy is the only credible path forward if the world is to avert a climate catastrophe” 

-        António Guterres


Presently, solar power is one of the most popular renewable or clean sources of energy. It is increasingly being recognized as a way to reduce energy expenses and carbon footprint. There are two main options for people choosing solar energy: off-grid and on-grid solar systems.


In this blog, we have listed a few differences between these primary choices to make it easier for you to identify the best system for your goals.


Also read: Top 10 benefits of solar panel installation

What Is An On-Grid Solar System?

An on-grid system or a grid-tied system is connected to a local utility grid. However, its utility is not limited to residences but to industries and commercial buildings.


A prerequisite for an on-grid system is an active electrical grid. In the on-grid system, you don't need expensive batteries to store excess electricity. The excess electricity produced by the system goes to the grid.


With an on-grid system, you rely on the grid for stored electricity during cloudy days or night hours. Thus, in this system, you receive a continuous power supply irrespective of the fluctuations in solar energy production.


What is an Off-the-grid Solar Power System?


An off-the-grid solar power system is not linked to the grid of a utility enterprise. It makes you completely self-sustaining in energy use. However, you must have a battery backup to gather excess energy produced during the day and for the smooth functioning of the system.


The need for the backup battery however limits the use of the off-grid solar power system. Further, it also contradicts the purpose of going solar as the batteries are often expensive, bulky, and non-eco-friendly.

Off-Grid and On-Grid Solar System: Differences Between Them



The following are the main differences between off-grid and on-grid solar system:

1.   Difference in Electricity Access With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

When you are off-grid, you power your business or home using daylight or stored energy in the batteries. So, if you do not use a generator with your solar power system, you can access power only during the day with enough sunlight or when you can draw electricity from your storage device.


A lack of batteries with your off-grid system could result in no or less electricity during cloudy days or nights. Further, you cannot access extra electricity with an off-grid system. But you will have to rely on the electricity that your system produces or stores.


If you install an on-grid solar system, you will have a continuous power supply. This supply is interrupted only when the grid is malfunctioning. The lack of batteries or the temporary pause in the production of electricity by solar systems is not relevant here.


In an on-grid solar system, energy stored in the grid can supplement the electricity supply from the solar system. This is particularly helpful when your system is not producing enough electricity for your needs.

2.   Difference in Excess Production With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

Your off-the-grid solar power system sometimes produces more electricity than you need. The batteries store this extra electricity. During cloudy weather or at night when the system does not produce enough electricity, you can access the power stored in the batteries.

You can size your off-the-grid solar systems based on your goals. Such altered systems can produce enough excess electricity using daylight to meet your power needs around the clock.

But unpredictable changes in weather can affect the production of electricity by these solar systems. If cloudy weather persists for some days, there won't be enough excess electricity to charge the batteries for later use.


Extra batteries can provide stored electricity in case this happens. But, these batteries should be expensive compared to most consumers' budgets.


On-grid solar systems are also used to cover the full power needs of a consumer. Your on-grid solar system produces excess electricity, that is sent to the grid and compensated via net metering.


In India, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) supports net metering. It is a metering and billing process by which consumers who send excess power to the grid receive credit to compensate for it.


With net metering, you also get paid for excess power after deducting the power you used from the energy you generated.

3.   Difference in Power Outages With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

Since your off-grid solar system is not dependent on the power grid, external factors such as a storm do not affect the power supply.


In a grid-tied system, you can access electricity as you need. Yet, once the grid crashes, you cannot access power without a battery backup for your solar system.


This is because the inverter of the on-grid system shuts off instantly during power outages. It is a step taken to protect utility employees working on the grid from electrocution.


This interruption in the power supply is a disadvantage of on-grid systems compared to off-grid systems. However, a consumer with an on-grid system can still access power during power outages by adding batteries.

4.   Difference in Maintenance With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

The maintenance cost of on-grid solar systems is less as they use the grid for storing energy. But, off-grid solar systems need regular battery maintenance for their smooth functioning.

5.   Difference in Electricity Bills With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

Consumers using an off-grid solar system do not have to pay electric bills. However, the extra costs of batteries and other equipment make off-grid systems costly even without the bills.


In a grid-tied system, even if the electricity from the system meets your power needs, you may still get minimal charges. These charges include the delivery charge or the service fee. This is a fee consumers should pay the utility provider for connecting their system to the grid. This fee is standard for many utilities irrespective of the amount of electricity you use.


A type of charge that commercial properties need to pay while using the on-grid system is the demand charge. This charge is an increased rate for the electricity you use when there is a peak demand for power. This period is usually calculated as 15 minutes when your business needs the most electricity. This is to compensate for the strain put on the grid by drawing large amounts of electricity.

6.   Difference in Energy Assurance With Off-grid and On-grid Solar System:

Your off-grid solar system can provide energy even during power outages. Hence, it is suitable for rural or remote areas where access to the grid is difficult.


The on-grid solar system is reliable when the grid operates. However grid failure can lead to power disruptions in this system.

Hybrid Solar Energy Systems

A hybrid solar system is on-grid with a battery backup of unused energy. This type of energy system is more expensive because of the battery charge. However, it is more beneficial for businesses as they can operate their equipment even when the grid crashes. Further, hybrid solar systems also reduce their demand charges.



Offgrid and ongrid solar systems have distinct differences. You should consider budget, location, environmental impacts, and energy dependability while considering the best solar energy system for your needs.


On-grid solar systems are mostly preferred in urban and suburban setups. These places usually have a dependable grid connection. Hence, homes and businesses that want to lower their expenses on electricity and carbon impact can opt for on-grid solar systems.


Off-grid systems offer you energy independence. It also makes you resilient to power outages and self-sufficient in energy production. These features make the off-grid system the most suitable for off-grid communities, distant houses, and cabins. However, the initial expenses of these systems are high because of the batteries. Talk to a good solar partner like Wattsun Energy India Pvt. Ltd. to decide the best for you.


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